
  • Mobility parking is available within 20 metres of our Visitor Centre.
  • The Visitor Centre and toilets are accessible via level surface through the main Visitor Centre entrance or via a side door with ramp access.
  • There is an adapted toilet at the Visitor Centre.
  • Visitors supported by carers are entitled to a complementary entry for their support worker/carer. Attendants cannot be provided by Markshall Estate.
  • We have a network of hard surfaced paths providing full wheelchair and pushchair access from the Visitor Centre through the central area of the Arboretum, up to the Walled Garden.
  • The path network is generally level with the exception of the path from the Visitor Centre to the old Marks Hall site which has reasonably steep incline – alternate level routes are available.
  • Paths in the wider Arboretum are generally grass rides.
  • The Woodland Walks are mostly on surfaced paths.
  • Two volunteer driven golf buggies (1 x 3-seat, 1 x 5-seat) are available for use by visitors with restricted mobility. The buggies are only available in the spring and summer months and booking is essential. Charges apply. Contact us to book.
  • Assistance dogs are welcomed anywhere onsite.
  • Silent Space in the Gondwanaland section of our Arboretum, ideal as a breakout space for SEND visitors.